Foreign Exchange Rates

Foreign Exchange Rates

Date: 11 December, 2024 - Print

Country Currency Rate
- United Arab Emirates AED 476.7999
- Australia AUD 1139.7513
- Botswana BWP 128.8732
- Canada CAD 1248.841
- China CNY 241.2577
- Denmark DKK 248.1611
- European Union EUR 1905.9705
- United Kingdom GBP 2297.6972
- Hong Kong HKD 225.0382
- India INR 20.6964
- Indonesia IDR 0.1105
- Ireland IEP 1314.762
- Japan JPY 11.6835
- Kenya KES 13.5736
- Malaysia MYR 396.1538
- Mozambique MZM 27.6838
- New Zealand NZD 1034.3198
- Norway NOK 158.6899
- Pakistan PKR 6.3042
- South-Korea KRW 1.2488
- Singapore SGD 1307.79
- South Africa ZAR 100.0383
- Swaziland SZL 100.0383
- Switzerland CHF 2051.5641
- Tanzania TZS 0.6709
- Thailand THB 51.5455
- United States of America USD 1751
- Zambia ZMK 65.2142
- Zimbabwe ZWD 0.0002

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Exchange Rates

    USD - 1751
    GBP - 2297.7
    ZAR - 100.04
    EUR - 1905.97
    CAD - 1248.84
    JPY - 11.68
    AUD - 1139.75