This page caters to all small to medium sized business. it is tailored to answer and make
it easy for you find information with regard to your tax bracket and needs
Taxable Income |Tax Rate
First MK 100,000 - 0%,
Next MK 2,900,000 - 30%,
Excess of MK 3,000,000 - 35%
Vehicle Duty Calculator
Document Validation Service
This service is to assist a tax payer/third party in validating and authenticating
either a Tax Clearance Certificate
or a Withholding Tax Exemption Certificate by comparing what is stored in our records.
Customs and Excise - Form 12 Validation
Document Validation Service
This service is to assist a tax payer/third party in validating a Form 12 customs document.
Know your Customer Upload
Know Your Customer Application
This service is to assist a tax payer/third party to submit thier KYC forms to MRA from processing.
Employee Registration Upload
Employee Registration
This service is to assist a tax payer/third party to submit thier Employee Registration forms to MRA for processing.