Msonkho Online
Benefits of Msonkho Online to Taxpayers

Benefits of Msonkho Online to Taxpayers

Last Updated: 07 February, 2020 - Print

Msonkho online is a web based system that allows you to make tax transactions online including registering for taxes, filing tax returns and even paying their tax liabilities. The system has numerous benefits to various stakeholders. You will be able to enjoy the following benefits by using Msonkho Online.

  • Reduction of travel time to MRA offices just to deliver a tax return or make payment.
  • Reduction of paper work on submission of tax returns.
  • Minimise the challenges of missing or misplaced returns within MRA offices.
  • Instant processing of returns since the returns will be processed by the system.
  • Notification for any movement in the account of taxpayer account for any tax.
  • Standardized processes hence consistent access to services and subjection of uniform or similar procedures across MRA 
  • Uniform application of tax laws will offer fair services
  • Increasing efficiency in services in terms of time, quality and convenience
  • Reduced cost of compliance.
  • Easy access to retrieval of taxpayer records as stored in the taxpayer account
  • Accessible service anywhere in the world 24/7; service at the click of a button
  • Reliable and accurate taxpayer data since the taxpayer will be capturing the data themselves
  • Enhanced competencies in tax administration processes and  use of technology
  • Increase in tax compliance through tax awareness and MRA transparency
  • Access to multiple methods of making payments

learn more on how to register on Msonkho Online Click Here.

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