Help for taxpayers
Online Return Filing

Online Return Filing

Last Updated: 11 March, 2024 - Print

Besides filing manual tax returns at our offices, taxpayers are encouraged to use online services to submit tax returns during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Authority has created emails for taxpayers to use when submitting their tax returns for their respective stations. The email addresses are as follows:

1.     Head Office headofficefiling@mra.mw
2.     LTO ltofiling2@mra.mw
3.     Mulanje mulanjefiling@mra.mw
4.     Salima salimafiling@mra.mw
5.     Balaka balakafiling@mra.mw
6.     Zomba zombafiling@mra.mw
7.     Mzuzu mzuzufiling@mra.mw
8.     Blantyre blantyrefiling@mra.mw
9.     Lilongwe lilongwefiling@mra.mw
10.  Dwangwa dwangwafiling@mra.mw
11.  Karonga karongafiling@mra.mw
12.  Mzimba mzimbafiling@mra.mw
13.  Kasungu kasungufiling@mra.mw
14.  Mchinji mchinjifiling@mra.mw
15.  Dedza dedzafiling@mra.mw
16.  Mangochi mangochifiling@mra.mw

learn more on how to register on Msonkho Online Click Here.

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